
Showing posts with the label Story Eight

New Friend

The Juructer was taken-a-back by what Jones was admitting then asked," If you are bold enough to tell me who you are, Then ? How was it you ended up here? Who do you owe payment to? And Why did you just do what you did,?" Jones said," All in good time... Juructer, You are the son of The Doctor. How was growing in your Dad's shadow? This is your first regeneration? Come on you are part Captain Jack Harkness if you wanted to you could have stayed in your first incarnation." The Juructer was unnerved by these questions said," I chose not to stay in that previous incarnation because I was ready to move on." Jones noticing a hint of comprehension in The Juructer's words then said," All of the Torchwood Core's clientele is being blasted all over this time period. As for the rest of your questions, I was here all along working on my own TARDIS, it's very nearly ready for use." The Juructer asked him," So what do you need me for Jone...